“One day a woman from a place called Ramsbottom came to be healed of an enlargement of her thyroid gland. Before she came, she said “I am going to be healed of this goiter, Mother.” After one meeting she came forward and was prayed for. The next meeting, she got up and testified that she had been wonderfully healed. She said, “I will be so happy to go and tell Mother about my healing.”
She went to her home and testified to her wonderful healing. The next year when we were having the convention, she came again. From a human perspective, it looked as though the goiter was just as big as ever, but that young woman was believing God. Soon she was on her feet giving her testimony, saying, “I was here last year, and the Lord wonderfully healed me. I want to tell you that this has been the best year of my life.” She seemed to be greatly blessed in that meeting, and she went home to testify more strongly than ever that the Lord had healed her.
She believed God. The third year, she was at the meeting again, and some people who looked at her said “How big that goiter has become!” But when the time came for testimonies, she was on her feet and testified, “Two years ago, the Lord gloriously healed me of a goiter. I had a most wonderful healing. It is grand to be healed by the power of God.” That day someone questioned her and said, “People will think there is something the matter with you. Why don’t you look in the mirror? You will see that your goiter is bigger than ever.” The young woman went to the Lord about it and said, “Lord, you so wonderfully healed me two years ago. Wont you show all the people that You healed me?” She went to sleep peacefully that night still believing God. When she came down the next day, there was not a trace or mark of that goiter[1].”
Did you read that story? It absolutely blew my socks off. The audacity of the faith that this woman had is beyond astounding.
There were two things that I noticed about her.
1. She did not allow what she saw to have any impact on what she believed.
This is something that we all could stand to learn. She gave personification to the writings of the Apostle Paul when He said “We walk by faith not by sight[2]”.
Our Kingdom is supernatural and to function adequately in that Kingdom we must have faith that is supernatural despite what may go on in the world around us.
Can you dare to believe God despite what you see? It is time that you start.
2. She did not allow what others said to her impact her faith.
Instead of doubting God or conforming her faith to meet the lack of faith of others she prayed and asked God to show others what she already believed and knew that He did.
Too often we allow others lack of faith to influence the level of our faith. Just because they cannot comprehend what you believe God has done or what you are believing Him for does not mean that what you believe has to change.
You must believe that God has accomplished what He said He would, and that He will forever be the God of abundance that He promised He would be.
Let your faith be stretched and unmovable today. God’s demonstration, performance, and the reality of the Kingdom in our lives is dictated by how far we are willing to believe.
How much do you really believe God?
Smith, Wigglesworth. Smith Wigglesworth Devotional . New Kensington: Whitaker House, 1999.